
Fn model 1922 pistol stamps
Fn model 1922 pistol stamps

fn model 1922 pistol stamps

Eventually, the design was finalized, and productionbegan. Initialexperiments were made with pistols that retained the frame of the 1910mated with a new slide, followed by a frame that held a seven instead ofeight round magazine.

fn model 1922 pistol stamps

It must be notedthat the changes to the 1910 design were incremental. Publications, Greensboro, North Carolina, 2001: Image Credit: Vanderlinden, Anthony, The BelgianBrowning Pistols, Wet Dog The engineering was complete by 1922, andthe Yugoslavs placed an order for 60,000 pistols on February 28, 1923. The frame was lengthened to accommodate the longer magazine. A forged steel cap was added to the 1910 slidein order to accommodate the longer (113mm as opposed to the 1910's 88mm)barrel. Consequently, a series of modifications to theModel 1910 were proposed that would save considerably on tooling and startup production costs. The Yugoslavs certainly couldn't afford the expense of developing and toolingfor a new pistol. The Bureau d'Etudes took stock of the situation.

fn model 1922 pistol stamps

Thedesign problem was turned over to the FN Bureau d'Etudes (Research andDevelopment Office). The Yugoslavs requested a longer barrel conducive to greateraccuracy, as well as increased magazine capacity. While the Model1910 performed well in the evaluations, it had some shortcomings as a militarypistol. The Model 1910 gained favor because of its relativelyeconomical pricing and 9mm Browning Short cartridge. The Model 1903 was rejected asbeing too expensive. Initial considerations for the new Yugoslav service handgunwere the FN Models 19. The Serbs, forming the majority of the new Yugoslavstate, had been an important FN client since the beginning of the firm,in the 1880's, and decided to turn to the Belgian firm for their war materielneeds. The arsenals were empty, and the army devoidof war materiel. Itsconstituent entities had fought the Balkan wars of 19, thenthe First World War. In the early 1920's the Yugoslav military was in a shambles. Specifically,the 'Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes' (later known as Yugoslavia)which had been created out of the ashes of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The FabriqueNationale (FN) Browning Model 1922 pistol bears the distinction of beingdeveloped strictly at the request of a FN customer. May 2001: The FN BrowningModel 1922 PistolĬaliber: 7.65mmBrowning or 9mm Browning Short

Fn model 1922 pistol stamps